FerraGrow is a plant growth promoting microbial inoculant designed for use in hydroponic lettuce production. The bacteria in this product help increase crop yields by improving the plants ability to uptake nutrients and respond to environmental stresses such as heat.


By improving the plant’s ability to uptake nutrients and respond to environmental stress FerraGrow provides a number of benefits including:

  • Increased biomass production

  • Increased root growth


FerraGrow is a liquid inoculant product that is easily applied to the root zone of the plant by diluting the product 1:3,000 into the watering system. Due to the high efficacy of our inoculant products in hydroponics FerraGrow needs to be applied only 1-2 times throughout the entire life cycle of the plant.

Commercial Results

Comercial trials were conducted in NFT (Grower 1) and Deep Water Culture (Grower 2) systems. Results are the percent yield increase in comparison to the control plants harvested the same day.

Interested in Trialing our FerraGrow Product?